Getting your own website is an expensive and time-consuming affair. Server costs, web site maintenance, and designing fees can quickly spiral out of control. And then there’s the hassle of making sure your web-site stays current. Web-sites require constant tweaking and upgrading that adds even more expense and takes more time away from your business.
Renting a website is a great way to get everything you need while saving time and money. By renting, you remove the trouble, expense, and time of having design, build, and maintain your own site. With website rentals, forget about those extra costs, like hosting. When you rent a website, everything is included. We know that new companies need a professional web site to promote their products and services, but cannot always afford it. SO - rent a website domain from mygoogle.
We believe in KISS - KEEP IT SIMPLE & STUPID!! Why pay for something you don't need? You choose a suitable design for your business from one of our most amazing, creative and inspiring website templates and choose a package that will suit your budget and need. Should you wish to upgrade to a higher package at a later stage, no problemos! Your website can grow with your business!
A custom made website of your choice from one of our amazing templates
A choice of 4 packages ranging from R 150 pm to R 500 pm
No contracts!
A Domain name of your choice for eg:
Flash animation
Form to email (For eg. an info request form)
An email address for eg:
Free Hosting
Free index on all major search engines
Free sitemap submission
Free generation and submission of meta-tags
And lots lots more...
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Regards, The mygoogle-team